Lowongan Kerja Penerimaan TNI AD Mei 2011
1. Registration: May 30, 2011
2. Region test examination : June 20 to 14 October 2011.
3. Session of the Regional Committee: 13 s.d October 14, 2011.
4. Inspection / Test Center: 21 until 29 October 2011.
5. Session of the Central Committee: Men: 3 November 2011 and Women: 4 November 2011.
6. Open Education: 7 November 2011
1. Ajen Kodam
2. Ajen Korem
3. Kodim
Complete address where the registration (click here)
a. Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
b. Faithful and devoted to God Almighty.
c. Loyal to the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the UUD of 1945.
d. Aged at least 18 years and maximum of 22 years of education at the opening November 7, 2011.
e. Physically and mentally are healthy and not wearing glasses.
g. Not losing the right to be a soldier based on court decisions that have obtained permanent legal force.
a. Male / Female, not a member / ex-soldier military and police or Civil Goverment.
b. High school graduate / MA / SMK / SPK or the equivalent of either public or private which equated / accredited.
c. Never married and could not marry during the first education.
d. Has a height of at least 165 cm for men and 160 cm for women and has a balanced weight according to applicable regulations.
e. Ready to undergo Institute Office of the First (IDP) for 10 years.
f. Ready to be placed throughout the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
g. There must be a letter of consent from your parents / guardians. For candidates who use a guardian for the information filled in accordance with the guardian are: Mr step / brother / uncle / aunt by examining the ID of parent / guardian (according to the TNI chief Decree No. Skep/57/II/2003 dated February 24, 2003).
h. Should follow the inspection / testing conducted by the admissions committee that includes.:
1) Administration.
2) Health.
3) Physical.
4) Interview.
5) Psychology.
a. For those who obtained a diploma from another country, must get approval from the Ministry of Education.
b. No tattooed / pierced and tattooed ex / ex pierced ears or other body members, except those caused by the provision of religious / traditional.
c. For those who already work:
1) Attach a letter of approval / permission from head office / department / agency concerned.
2) Ready to be dismissed from the civil status, if accepted into Officer PK TNI AD.
d. Ready to comply with corruption-free rule, either directly or indirectly and if proven to violate the law as is referred to the willing did not pass and / or removed from Dikma if violations are discovered later when they followed the first education.
More info, click: http://www.tniad.mil.id/werving/1wvbintara.php
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