Lowongan Kerja PT. PLN (Persero)
Position Vacancy Code Education Terms
1. Distribution Technician TEKDIS SMU IPA, or Vocational Technical Installation Electrical, Mechatronics, Mechanical Transmission Electric Power and Distribution Techniques Electric Power
2. Distribution Operator OPDIS3. Transmission Technician TEKTRANS Position is designated as the Managing Power with the retirement age of 45 years and managed by the Institute of Social Security appointed by the company. Placement in local areas and can not be transferred to another work area. The criteria required are as follows:
General Requirements
1. Gender male? Men; status has never been married and could not get married for education;
2. Graduated high school or vocational school science Electrical Installation Engineering, Mechatronics, Mechanical Power Transmission and Distribution Electric Power Engineering;
3. Birth year 1991 or thereafter;
4. Minimum height 160 cm with weight propossional (maximum BMI 30);
5. Physically and mentally healthy;
6. Capable of not smoking in the Area / PLN working environment;
7. Not involved and never involved in crime (evidenced bySKCK of Police submitted at the time of interview);
8. Passed all stages of selection, which includes: Selection of Administrative, Academic Test,Physical tests, Psychotest, Interview, Health Test and Training Prajabatan;
9. Applicants may choose 1 or 2 choices of office vacancy, with the compositionpriority 1 and priority 2.
Special Requirements
1. Preferably come from residents in the working area of PT PLN (Persero) Java DI Yogyakarta and Central and proven by identity cards.
2. NEM average of at least 6.
3. Physically healthy (according to laboratory standards), not color blind, not blindnight, do not wear glasses, and do not suffer from epilepsy.
4. Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances and not involved criminal actions as outlined in the letter above statement stamp Rp 6,000,?
5. No tattoos and not pierced / former stud in his ear or limb Other
6. Has the physical ability to be able to do the work in the Operations Division, including:a. Working in shifts (day / night)b. Works on conditions in the network TT, TM, TR, and Generationc. Working in discipline and conduct rules QMS, EMS, SMK3 & K2LH.
7. Willing to follow Prajabatan education for a maximum of 12 months with Training Prajabatan status as a student.
8. Where have passed Prajabatan Training, will be appointed as permanent employees and undergo compulsory service bond for 5 (five) years since he was appointed as employees.
For applicants who meet the above criteria, you can send Cover letter addressed to the Recruitment Consultant of PT PLN (Persero), on the left side of the envelope written code of the intended position, for example TEKDIS or
2. OPDIS (for which choose 2 options) and Right of written high school or vocational school. Applications to PO BOX 6446 SMS, by enclosing the document in the form:1. Copy of ID card / driving license is still valid.2. 4 × 6 color photos as much as 2 sheets.
3. Copy of Birth Certificate / Birth Know Letters that have been legalized.
4. Copy of diploma and NEM SMU / SMK which has been legalized or CertificateGraduated from the School of legalized.
5. Written statement on seal stating that it is not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances and is not involved action criminal who poured in a statement on the stamp Rp 6,000,? (Example attached).
6. Health certificate and not color blind of doctors.
This proposal closed on May 30, 2011 (postmark). Submission of applications over time will not be processed.
Only applicants who meet the requirements will be called to follow the selection. Venue and schedule will be notified of selection through the Web Site http://www.polines.ac.id.
Not done correspondence with Recruitment Consultant applicants and the decision can not be contested.
Info Lowongan BUMN complete vocational high school graduates of PT PLN (Persero), Central Java and DI Yogyakarta http://www.polines.ac.id/plnslta2.pdf
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